Worth Its Salt…
The shortlist for the 2012 Scott Prize has been announced – and I’m over the moon to find my name on it. This international prize for a full-length collection of short stories is run by short story champions Salt Publishing, who will publish the final winning entries. My book, End Of, is an anthology concerned with the ends of […]
The King And I
I’m dead proud that my short story Kayleigh was on the same bill as a new short story by Stephen King. The two tales were be read alongside four other new shorts at the Liars’ League event entitled Fear & Loathing on Tuesday 11th October. I voraciously worked my way through Stephen King’s books as a teenager, and can […]
Liars And Lovers
My short story One, Two, Three – Go! kicked off the ‘fun and games’ themed Liars’ League event this month. It was also the League’s fourth birthday – a perfect excuse for hats and party poppers. It was a joy (read: relief) to be able to hand the performance side of things to someone much more qualified […]
To celebrate National Short Story Week I joined forces with a stellar cast of short story writers to play the parlour game Consequences with a literary twist. Each writer was asked to write 100-150 words of a short story and then pass it on to the next writer to add their words. Great fun and thrilling to read […]